Tuesday, May 3, 2011

nostalgia found in hongkong streets

i was once again in a place where everyone seems to be too engrossed with his own business, has the air of indifference and walks in a pace that is equivalent to running in our country. being in some of the busy streets in hongkong ushered the feeling of nostalgia and the realization on how i missed being in a place where everyone tends to not really care, like the weird clothes you're wearing, how unkempt your hair looks at the end of the day and how you intentionally put on too much make-up. hehe

and i so love this kind of wide and paved sidewalks! sidewalks that are really meant for walking and are friendly with girls' essential, heels! i would love to dash here with towering heels on. LOL

plastic surgery, anyone? i wonder what agonizing procedures these people went through for these life-changing transformations. did their jaws get cut off??

notice the "the body shop" and "haagen-dazs" at the bottom left of the picture? if you love the body shop products and delight for a haagen-dazs ice cream, you need not know this shot's location because rest assured, you'll be seeing these two shops everywhere in hongkong and i mean EVERYWHERE, like every block? and they're making  haagen-dazs like street ice cream because of its profusion which in my standards are way too expensive already!

of course, the street food which we never tried and which jl had wished he tried. it was just that we were always too full every after a meal. next time, hk. you'll see.

hui lau shan, the famous dessert chain in hk which we also had passed up because to reiterate, we ate like there's no tomorrow every meal that we had there. XD

more to come...


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