Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Our Transport Across Europe Part II

Having basked in the autumn sun in Barcelona and Rome for a week, we then headed up north to experience yet again Europe's autumn chill. Sure, we wanted to feel what autumn is really like because we don't have it at home, for crying out loud! haha

To get there fast ('coz we couldn't be more excited with the cold! uhm... not really...), we took a flight from the eternal city to the Dutch capital.

Starting from Amsterdam, we already commuted by train which is the very essence of traveling across Europe, yes? And just why not? When their train network is one of a kind in this world! Not to mention the high-speed trains passing through Europe's idyllic farms and villages. Ahh, could it be better than that? This may be already a battered cliché but train travel in Europe is an amazing experience in itself!

Here's how we hopped on trains during the second half of our Euro trip. The first part you can check it over here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our Transport Across Europe Part I

Two weeks of scratching Western Europe's surface still takes a great deal of planning although the internet makes it a lot easier these days. Enter your keyword search and it then becomes a buffet. Well, I don't mean the food but the extensive information you'd likely get after. It will be mental gluttony.

Although for the fun of it, I don't mind the idea of scouring books in the library and actually phoning accommodation. Uhm, on second thought, I'd rather not. I may be just a little heady at this moment. And I couldn't imagine racking up my phone bill!

Estació de França in Barcelona, Spain 

Well anyway, in my first post about my Euro trip last fall, I listed down the countries that my cousin and I had come up, while letting go of those far-off places that we wished we could squeeze in. For truth be told, we are only humans with no superpowers, a limited time frame and most importantly, a frugal budget.

Even if we had earnestly narrowed down into a list of 6 countries for a trip of 2 weeks, it was still a major part of the plan on how we could exactly get from one country to another. Where to book? What's the cheapest and convenient way? And so on.

Six countries can be too many for others but we were also working on the possibility that we might no longer have a chance to do this all over again. Aside from the fact, that we worked our asses off to make this happen. Any worker ant out there as well?

But let's get down to business, shall we? This does not however, include our flight that got us to Paris from Singapore.