my unperturbed life lately, has been in a constant challenge of losing its equilibrium. this rare phenomena happened because for the first two weekends of december, i was out socially -- in the midst of people, who came across at some point in my life. but i'm just as glad that another set of wonderful memories unfolded to me during the most celebrated month of the year, december!
this brings me to a realization that december is a lean month for me on blogging because of social demands in life. another perfect excuse for my dearth in blogging!
moving on, 2012 has been a good year for me and before i'd entertain the thought of it leaving us behind, i'll get back to its month of august.
The Foliage at the Entrance of Jurong Bird Park |
me, as "dyosa" "panira"/eyesore in this little forest called jurong bird park in the middle of an industrial area in singapore. because i ignored the lure of northern vietnam back in august, i remained in the island for the good three days! that's ridiculous, you would say. but breinn came over for a quick visit so that somehow made up for it. (bring me some popcorn, because i've got loads of cheese!)
okay before i lead myself further to a complete incoherence, let me share you on how i had a remarkable time in jurong bird park.
The Curious Penguins at the Penguin Coast |
these penguins were loving the sun and their failed attempt on looking adorable and cute had not prompted anyone to give them food. we, humans were not allowed to do so. oh, poor penguins. they actually have their other compatriots, getting cool and sassy inside a temperature-controlled aquarium, while they probably would like to get a tan.
Birdz of Play, A Park for Kids! |
how i wish that instant i could pass up as a kid and enjoy playing in the water in order to abate the heat! and i surely could use that spilling pail of water!
White Flamingos in Flamingo Lake. Simply gorgeous! |
These pink flamingos had told me in advance to dress accordingly. hehe |
Oh, these excellent turtles! |
only one thing came to my mind when i watched these turtles moving effortlessly in the water, how could they swim like that! darn, life is unfair! lol
A Stork in Its Alone Time. DND |
A Victoria Crowned Pigeon |
my long search for the name of this bird is now put to an end. i finally knew what this red-eyed bird is called, a victoria crowned pigeon!
Bird n Buddies Show in Pools Amphitheatre |
A Cockatoo! |
A Brilliant Macaw! |
The Hungry Pelicans! |
the show was very entertaining that i ignored my camera almost the entire time and just focused on watching. i'm not spoiling anyone so i won't tell any more details. yes definitely, you shouldn't miss this show! i'm easily pleased by the way like kids in a kiddie party. hehe
i still have plenty of photos that could somehow cover each area of the entire park but i'm afraid this would already turn into a flood of photos. so, here is its website to appease the abrupt end.
okay, i'm squeezing in a few more.
Sturdy Suspension Bridge at the Lory Loft |
Feeding a lory with a discarded food that we took! haha |
The Pelicans lining up! |
He was not informed by these Africans on what to wear. |
How we managed taking a photo of ourselves. |
giddy and kiddie at jurong bird park. bow. thank you.
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