We made the most out of our last full day in Barcelona by chasing the last rays of the sun on a beach even if it meant walking in what it seemed a marathon distance. That's me talking after hustling my day since the early morn.
From La Rambla, we fancied getting to the beach on foot, not even hundred percent certain if we were headed to the right direction to begin with. It was only instinct that dictated us, to further march on. But as you can see, we made it to the beach alright. It would be a big disappointment if it weren't so. The calories we burned! Lethargy was clearly imminent.
While extremely delighted after seeing the great blue sea, I readily laid my scarf on the sand, kicked off my shoes and my cousin and I just lazed there until the sun finally gave way to the moon. This idyllic situation made all the distractions we ignored during this quest, somehow trivial and of inconsequence.
While extremely delighted after seeing the great blue sea, I readily laid my scarf on the sand, kicked off my shoes and my cousin and I just lazed there until the sun finally gave way to the moon. This idyllic situation made all the distractions we ignored during this quest, somehow trivial and of inconsequence.