here i am again at this dreary point where i'm faced with too many delayed posts! i haven't even finished my malacca posts and yet, in a week's time, i will be on another jaunt for another tick on my south-east asian list. fingers crossed to that! as per usual, i will be kicking it off with an itinerary which until now, i haven't done! go away, procrastination!
my mood for writing can be so elusive like an annoying fly hovering your food. oops, that may be an appropriate comparison but i hope you get my point. it's really hard for the writing spirit to come down on me especially that most of the time, i'm having a brain drain on a daily basis due to my frequently demanding work but i'm not complaining!
i can't believe i've made up again another excuse to put into my bucket almost filled up with reasons for my blog posting hiatus.
picking up where i left off in my malacca narration, i still continue with our day 1. there's so much to write about malacca even if breinn and i only jumpstarted our day in the afternoon.
Water Wheel along the Malacca River |